Data privacy statement of the Association of Austrian Orthodontists (VÖK)

The privacy of your personal data is of upmost importance to us. We process personal data solely for the principles of legal regulations (GDPR, TKG 2003). The following data privacy information will inform you of all the important aspects of data processing regarding our website.

Contact with us

If you filled out the message form on our website, we would only save your specified personal data to process your request and in the possible case of follow-up questions.

Data Storage

For the purpose of contract processing name, title and E-Mail address of co-contractors are stored by the operator. This provided data is essential up until contract fulfilment or the execution of pre-contract measures. Without this data we cannot finalise the contract. No data is transmitted to third parties.


This website uses only cookies that are essential for the basic functions of the website and for legal reasons. Most are deleted with the end of your browser session. Some cookies collect your cookie consent and are stored for one year.

User Rights

All users are entitled to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If a user believes that the handling of user data violates legal regulations of the GDPR complaints may be filed to the surveillance authority. In Austria this would be the authority for data privacy.

Our contact data:

Verband Österreichischer Kieferorthopäden

Waidhausenstrasse 11, 1140 Wien

Tel. +43 (0)1/914 90 90

Fax +43 (0)1/914 90 90-9

E-Mail ofni.1737389471keov@1737389471eciff1737389471o1737389471